Sampol LLC, Samara, Russia
8th International Exhibition Composite-Expo - 2015 Exhibitor
February 25 - 27, 2015 / Hall 5, Pavilion 1, Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
The company «SAMPOL» exists in the market of composite materials for 15 years. By using of different methods it offers a full range of basic materials, equipment and instruments for manufacture of products made of thermosetting plastics. It also renders engineering services in designing of technological processes. The company goes in for development and introduction of UV curing technology for thermosetting plastics. It supplies the UV equipment, prepregs and resins for manufacture of products made by UV method. The UV method has benefits: high curing for laminates (more than 99%), improved physical and mechanical properties and high speed of production.
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