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Final Report on 16th Composite-Expo 2024 Exhibition

Exhibition Organizer:

Mir-Expo Exhibition Company

At the same time, an exhibition
will be held in pavilions 1 and 5
of the Expocentre Fairgrounds:

Polyurethanex 2025 16th International Exhibition

Website counter:

Institute of New Carbon Materials and Technologies (INCMaT), Moscow, Russia

8th International Exhibition Composite-Expo - 2015 Exhibitor

February 25 - 27, 2015 / Hall 5, Pavilion 1, Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia


Exhibitor information:

Innovative company, focused on the development and production of polymer binders, prepregs, carbon fabrics and carbon-carbon composites. Have its own research and production divisions. Has extensive experience in R&D projects with Russian aircraft companies, successful realization of prepreg production plants turn key projects. Development and production of polymer composite materials meeting the customer specific requirements. Provides technical support in processing of supplying materials and optimization of processing technology.


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