Exiton Test, Ltd., Saint Petersburg, Russia
8th International Exhibition Composite-Expo - 2015 Exhibitor
February 25 - 27, 2015 / Hall 5, Pavilion 1, Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
Exiton Test Ltd is the official sales-technical representative to Russia and the CIS of the companies on manufacture of the test and research equipment and is engaged in delivery of the equipment, commissioning, training of the personnel, customer support and guarantee and after-guarantee service.
Exiton Test Ltd cooperates with the following world producers:
• Tinius Olsen (USA) - a manufacturer of equipment for physical and mechanical tests, such as: - Electro-mechanical tensile testing machines; - Hydraulic tensile testing machines; - Impact testing machines; - Plastometers; - Hardness; and other test equipment.
• Applied Test Systems (USA) - the manufacturer of testing machines for creep, high temperature muffle furnaces and other test equipment.
• SincoTec Test Systems (Germany) - a manufacturer of resonance servo-hydraulic and servo pneumatic systems.
• GDS Instruments (England).
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