Toray Group, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor of the 13th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2021
March 30 - April 1, 2021 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
Toray Industries' long-term vision, its globalized strategy and its international reach, with production sites in Asia, Europe and North America, have enabled it to establish itself as a global player in the composites industry. Its drive for innovation, its ambition and capacity for investment have played a major part in the creation of a wide, differentiated range of products: the aeronautics, space, industrial markets and civil engineering.
Zoltek’s objective is to lead the commercialization of carbon fiber. Zoltek is making big impacts in wind energy, automotive, marine, offshore drilling, infrastructure building and repair, compressed natural gas (CNG), energy storage, and many other industrial applications. Zoltek produces low-cost, high performance carbon fiber, PX 35 and preoxydized fiber, Zoltek OX. In 2014, Zoltek joined the Toray Industries–a relationship that has advanced the company’s technology and positioned it for further growth and development.
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