Nienschanz Scientific Ltd., Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Exhibitor of the 11th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2018
February 27 - March 01, 2018 / Pavilion 8, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
"Nienschanz-scientific" Ltd - supplier of laboratory equipment, an experienced integrator in the complex equipment of scientific and industrial laboratories, educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises.
Nienschanz-scientific is the exclusive distributor:
laboratory of computer tomography SkyScan-Bruker (Germany), providing the highest quality 3D images in the submicron and nanometer ranges of spatial resolution, used for studying the three-dimensional structure and elemental mapping of materials;
- equipment for processing and study of polymers, European manufacturer of ZAMAK MERCATOR;
equipment for metallography and sample preparation Laizhou WEIYI.
The company also has extensive experience in the supply of research equipment for ultra-fine composite coatings, the production of CSM Instruments (Switzerland), equipment Noselab-Ats (Italy) for polymer testing (incoming inspection of raw materials, properties of materials, finished goods, bench tests).
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