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Final Report on 16th Composite-Expo 2024 Exhibition

Exhibition Organizer:

Mir-Expo Exhibition Company

At the same time, an exhibition
will be held in pavilions 1 and 5
of the Expocentre Fairgrounds:

Polyurethanex 2025 16th International Exhibition

Website counter:


Exhibitor of the 11th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2018

February 27 - March 01, 2018 / Pavilion 8, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia


Exhibitor information:

The company INTREY is a fast-growth company proven on the domestic market since 2001.

The main activity of the company is a comprehensive supply of composite materials and equipment for the manufacture of the products in GRP and artificial stone as well as the providing of the qualified technical and technological support of the customers.

INTREY is a representative of such leading world manufacturers as: Polynt Composites, Elantas, Alchemie, OCV, JUSHI GROUP, Fiberpreg, Berry, Lantor, Nidaplast, Maricell, DUNA-Corradini, Axel Plastics, Wachsfabrik Segeberg, Finish Kare, Stoner, West & Senior Limited, Rj Marshall, INOTAL Aluminium, Zhermack, GS Manufacturing, ES Manufacturing, Transtecnica, Mulder-Hardenberg GmbH, Plexus, Lord, Gazechim Composites.

The main goal of our company is the ensuring a high level of services in cooperation with our customers, achieving the mutual agreed conditions, precision and accuracy on coming to the decisions.

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