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Final Report on 16th Composite-Expo 2024 Exhibition

Exhibition Organizer:

Mir-Expo Exhibition Company

At the same time, an exhibition
will be held in pavilions 1 and 5
of the Expocentre Fairgrounds:

Polyurethanex 2025 16th International Exhibition

Website counter:

Takin, Advanced Strengthening Co., Iran

Exhibitor of the 10th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2017

February 28 - March 02, 2017 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia


Exhibitor information:

Takin, Advanced Strengthening Company was founded in 2004 as a knowledge based company with the goal of performing the strengthening projects under the license of Iran Composites Institute and with the scientific support of Iran University of Science and Technology. This company has done various projects in the fields of repair and strengthening of steel and inshore and offshore concrete structures in oil, gas and petrochemical industries up to now. Takin company has 18 registered patents in different areas of composites technology. This company uses permanent training of Iran Composites Institute. Takin company has the licence of Ferropan Company (Austria) with the 50 years background in the fields of strengthening of metal and concrete structures against corrosion and fire. Takin company is ready to execute strengthening, reconstruction and repair of oil, high pressure pipes and old concrete structures in oil, gas and petrochemical plants during the service without service shutdown.

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