ELMATEC LTD, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor of the 10th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2017
February 28 - March 02, 2017 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
ELMATEC Ltd. is an engineering company focused on delivery of industrial materials from Europe, Asia, USA. We provide materials selecting, updating and processing based on requirements specification. Materials implementation and application is supported by our technical guidance. Several hundreds of projects have been implemented in 14 years. Advanced materials have been introduced in aero-space and oil industries, the world greatest hydropower projects and nuclear power industry, bridge construction and electronics, new transformers and traction motors designs.
These achievements are based on our staff expertise in the materials properties, application and processing possibilities. Finished and semi-finished materials and products are available ex warehouse Moscow as well as upon request.
ELECTRICAL INSULATING MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS of а Swiss holding Von Roll – since 2004.
ELMATEC is an official distributor of VON ROLL, FLUORSEALS, S&E Specialty Polymers.
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