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Final Report on 16th Composite-Expo 2024 Exhibition

Exhibition Organizer:

Mir-Expo Exhibition Company

At the same time, an exhibition
will be held in pavilions 1 and 5
of the Expocentre Fairgrounds:

Polyurethanex 2025 16th International Exhibition

Website counter:

CATI, Moscow, Russia

Exhibitor of the 10th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2017

February 28 - March 02, 2017 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia


Exhibitor information:

LLC «CATI» founded in 2003 is one of the leaders in the field of design, reequipment, production and installation of modern interiors onboard the aircraft.

Own manufacturing and technological facilities of the company are located in Moscow, Zhukovsky and Dolgoprudny have all the necessary modern equipment. In the production CATI use only the certified materials of the leading domestic and foreign manufacturers meeting all requirements of the existing regulatory documents.

CATI’s team of skilled professionals is ready to execute the full range of services, from development of the interior design and release of technical documentation to manufacturing of different interior components and their installation onboard in the shortest time possible.

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