Advanced Corporation for Materials & Equipments, China
Exhibitor of the 10th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2017
February 28 - March 02, 2017 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
Airbus Group is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services.
Technology licensing within the Airbus Group has the support of top company executives.
Managed by Airbus Group Technology Licensing, these licensing activities benefit from an integrated approach encompassing all of the company’s activities and operations.
Airbus Group Technology Licensing launched its initiative in Russia in 2013, and provides the access to its valuable and wide range portfolio of technologies, which can be offset to other branches of industry such as marine, automotive, wind power, railway industry.
Quality assurance in manufacturing and integrity inspection in maintenance are of paramount importance, especially with composite materials. Testia – wholly-owned subsidiary of Airbus Group – has over 20 years of experience in the field of aerospace Non-Destructive-Testing and provide a global solution tackling urgent industry needs: worldwide in-service inspections, manufacturing expertise, NDT products, world-class bespoke engineering and consultancy services, and personnel training.
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